Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Virtual Class & Lesson Types

            Due to inclement weather on February 16, 2016 fieldwork was unfortunately cancelled:( Although the teacher candidates were upset, I'm sure the students at Bishop Dunn were very excited they got the day off of school! Due to the bad weather we had a virtual class instead of meeting face to face. This was a new experience to me and I must say I enjoyed it. Dr. Smirnova was able to show us a powerpoint and interact with us at the same time. She asked us questions and there was a little chat for us to respond to the questions she asked. We got to see her as she spoke to us about many different important aspects of the class. One very important thing that we talked about are the different types of lesson.

            There are three different types of lessons: Inquiry, Direct and Cooperative. An Inquiry lesson is where students analyze and develop a hypothesis. An Inquiry lesson is student centered where students conduct their own investigations. Inquiry lessons are great because they are usually very hands on and can grasp the students attention. Many students enjoy when they get the chance to start investigations and the control is in their hands! The second type of lesson is a direct lesson. A direct lesson is teacher centered. A direct lesson is a very common type of lesson that is taught through explicit and guided instructions. Direct instruction is very useful but it does not allow students to really get the opportunity to have a hands on experience. Instead the teacher is lecturing and teaching them for extended time. The third type of lesson is a cooperative lesson. A cooperative lesson is when student are clustered into small groups. The students work together in their small group all working toward the same goal. Through cooperative lessons each student is learning individually while working in groups helping out their peers.

As a teacher, it is important to review lessons and make sure that you are using a combination of different types of lessons to best serve your students. Each student has individual needs and it is a teachers responsibility to make sure that you are serving each child's specific needs! 

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