Saturday, March 12, 2016

Completed teaching day 1!

We have finished our first day of teaching! It was a little nerve wracking at first, but I think overall the lesson went very well. The students seemed to stay engaged throughout the whole time. It was a direct lesson so we tried to get them involved as much as possible. One thing we used that they particularly seemed to like was having yes and no symbols. So when we would ask a question if students agreed or disagreed we would instruct them to use different symbols. Some of the symbols included standing up, thumbs up, hand on head etc. 

The students proved to be very knowledgeable about out topic. We showed a cute presidential fact video that was humorous and educational. The students really seemed to enjoy the video. We did a lot of review and revisits after introducing new vocabulary words and for the most part, the class remembered the material. 

If I could improve one thing from our lesson, I think it would be our time management. Seeing many of the previous groups run out of time, we overcompensated and finished our lesson about five minutes early. We did not have another quick activity that we could have the students do.
We will teach our next two lessons, Inquiry and Cooperative, a week after we delivered our direct lesson. I hope that the students will remember the information we covered. 

I am nervous but excited to teach the next two lessons. We have excellent and engaging lessons planned that I think the students will really enjoy and have a lot of fun with. I think it is important to plan lessons that will get students directly involved and have a fun time with because I think they retain the knowledge better that way. 

Hopefully our next two lessons will go as well as our first lesson went! 

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