I must say, the lessons went EXCELLENT! During our inquiry lesson we had students formulate a hypothesis about who they thought the best candidate would be for a new principal. Then, three of my fellow colleagues played the role of potential candidates and had a mini interview with the students in the class. The students created questions and asked them to the candidates. The students really seemed to love the whole process! Then the students got the chance to vote! We had a voting booth for the students to go into and cast their vote. In this photo, one student just finished voting and two students are waiting their turn to enter our voting booth! ->
For our Cooperative lesson, students made a poster on the best principal candidate and what were some of the great things about them that they learned from the interview. The students really loved doing this as well and they worked so well together!
Overall, I am so pleased with how well all three of our lessons went and I think we did a really excellent job. My group worked extremely hard on them and I think it really showed! I couldn't have asked for a better opportunity! This was my first time teaching a whole class of students and I am really happy that the class was so cooperative and ready to learn!
If I could change one thing about teaching today, I definitely would want to change the amount of time we had. We had two really awesome full lessons. The students seemed to enjoy them a lot and I think they would have really loved the full lessons since we had to cut out some aspects for time sake. But, other than that I am extremely proud of myself and my colleagues.
I really think that all four groups did an awesome job and we all worked really hard to create amazing lesson plans. I think we should all be very proud of ourselves. I am extremely thankful for this opportunity because I feel that it has really prepared me for my future and gave me a glimpse of what it will be like student teaching!
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